The Seashell: what inspires me to create….


One of the earliest things I remember making was seashell art. My first encounter with seashells came when I moved to California on my ninth birthday. For a birthday present, my parents brought me to a seashell store (this was the seventies…) in Los Angeles where I was told I could have any seashell I wanted. I picked a beautiful, pink, fluted clam shell! After that it was a constant obsession with making jewelry and creatures made from seashells from the now accessible beach.

I found my happy place and I just couldn’t stop. Seashell art was my place to escape and follow the inner voice deep inside of me that I didn’t even understand was a voice not everyone was hearing. I thought everyone loved to create and even if someone said I was weird or made fun of me, I just thought there was something wrong with them!

So what inspired me to create at an early age? The beautiful shape, form and color of seashells and the peace and joy I felt in my creative escape of time and space.

Here’s a wisdom quote that I truly believe about what inspires you to create:

“If you are doing something that feels true, that feels right, that feels real, it’s nothing new. It’s something you’ve known all along.”—Richard Rohr

Journal Prompt:

What is your earliest memory of being inspired in a new way? What object was associated with that moment?

Do a quick sketch of that object in your Creativity Journal.

Hugs to you all


Buy my Creativity Journal on Amazon and fill your book with all ten projects! There is space for journaling, ideation and to create the final project. The QR code in the book links you to the journal so you can take it with you and be creative anywhere you go. You just need a pen, curiosity and joyful effort!!


The Seashell: who inspires me to create….


In the beginning….