In the beginning….


I was telling a friend the other day that I feel like it’s time to add my voice to the chorus of voices that I hear changing the world. One of those voices is Rob Bell from the Robcast. He said, “How many of us are different from who we were 5 years ago? How many of us are different from who we were a year ago? How many of us are different from who we were last month?” He talked about the tremendous change and shift that is occurring within humanity, especially since the global pandemic. I sure feel it.

Since the pandemic, I have reconsidered my relationships, how I spend my time, my priorities, my goals, and what I consider an urgent need to find joy in my life. Does this ring true for you?

Joy has always come to me through creation. Whether it’s admiring the Divine’s handy work in nature, being inspired by my student’s or friend’s artwork, or by practicing my own personal art journey. I have found that when I am curious, I find the ability to create and find joy. But it’s a tricky thing because there is an art in how to create joyfully. It requires listening, humility, patience and acceptance as well as technical expertise. Have you experienced this?

The intent of this journal is to lead you to a more joyful life through a dedicated practice of creation. You might be a sketcher, a writer, a painter, a crafter, whatever it is that has worked its way from the back of your mind, into your hands and out in the world for others to see.

I always like a plan so here’s how I plan to do this:

I will share with you what inspires me to create.

I will share with you who inspire me to create.

I will share with you how I create.

I would encourage you to create a journal of your creative journey. You can buy mine from my shop or just use an old notebook in your closet. It really doesn’t matter. I rarely go back and revisit my journals, but I never throw them away.

My goal is to encourage you to travel the joyful path of kindness, humility, patience, acceptance and courage to explore and engage in your own personal creative life. So let’s get started!!

Hugs to you all,


The Seashell: what inspires me to create….